Travel Gear

iTrack GPS Car Tracker Review- Is it a scam?

iTrack GPS Car Tracker Review: It can be very irritating when you misplace things and have to look for them all the time as they are very valuable. Most of the time is there when people misplace their phones, expensive jewelery and other things that make them anxious.

There can be times when you do not know when things are being stolen from you. Like one day you may not find your car in the garage or your phone is stolen from your purse. This is where the iTrack GPS Car Tracker comes to use. There are a number of times when we forget where we have parked our car or maybe your relative has parked it somewhere and you cannot find it.

iTrack GPS Car Tracker Reviews

But with the help of this application, you can easily find your car through your phone. You can keep a constant track of your car without any problem. It is an innovative tool that saves money and brings security to your car. Search for a lost car can never be easy. A wallet or a phone can be found easily but with cars, it can be very difficult to find them when they are lost. This application helps to keep your device totally safe. It is an OBD GPS tracker that works with an anti-theft iTrack GPS Car Tracker

What is iTrack GPS Car Tracker?

With the use of simple and effective technology, the iTrack is an easy to use GPS car tracker which constantly helps you to keep track of your car. It comes with real-time monitoring and brings comfort to the user as they constantly know where their car is parked. The app provides up-to-date information in one touch. Any unauthorized movement of the vehicle will never slip past your knowledge. Whether your car is parked somewhere or even of some friend is borrowing it for some time. You will know all the time whether your car is safe or not. This application helps you get the peace of mind that you need at all times.   

iTrack GPS Car Tracker

How Does iTrack GPS Car Tracker Work?

The main method with which this tracker works is that all you have to do is, plug the tracker into the diagnostic port of the car. iTrack GPS Car Tracker will secure data about the condition of your car and the whereabouts of the car. All this will be accessible to you on the application on your phone at all times. The application works for both Apple and Android. The application requires no subscription but only a few following steps that are mentioned below:

  • The first step is to make sure you have a sim card with an active phone plan. This will allow you to download the OBD GPS tracker app and allow you to share information.
  • The next step is to locate the diagnostic port of your car. The location of the port can be different for every car model. Moreover, you can refer to the manual provided to you by the company to find the port. The tracker is only compatible with the 1996 models and the ones introduced after that.
  • After the port is located by you, you just have to plug the OBD tracker to the diagnostic port.
  • And the last step is to download the app on your smartphone and set up an account to connect your device.
How Does iTrack GPS Car Tracker Work
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Once that you have done all the steps and you are connected, you can access all the information related to your car. Using the real-time location tracking feature, you can see where your car is taken without your permission. This is not the only thing you can do with this app. You can also monitor your speed and driver’s habits with this app and the travel history with iTrack GPS Car Tracker. One can check where the car has gone and all the places it has stopped.

Purpose of an OBD GPS Tracker?

This tracker is actually a necessity for many people these days. It is very useful for people who have many cars. It is helpful for those who lend their company cars to their staff to see if the staff is driving safely without any problem. iTrack GPS Car Tracker can help you in making your employees driving safely and make sure that they are going to places where they should be going. If any company vehicle is stolen, with the help of this app they can find it easily and recover it from potential damage. The GSP tracker is also useful when you share your car with family and friends. You can make sure that your loved ones are driving safely.

Best GPS Car Tracker

The younger generation of your family always taking the car out at odd hours and that too on unfamiliar places. It helps you monitor the speed of the car with the help of your smartphone. iTrack GPS Car Tracker is a very simple and easy way to know where your family is at all times. It is also a great companion for those who live in places where their parking space is not in front of their eyes. The iTracker is your eyes and ears through your phone. Anyone can benefit from this app as at some point you do forget where your car is parked. And after a long day of shopping, this app spares you the awkward wandering for the car.

Benefits of the iTracker GPS Tracker

  • This tracker has real-time location monitoring which helps you to know if your car has moved without your permission.
  • It lets you monitor the driving habits of your driver and holds you and other car users accountable on the road.
  • You can check the whereabouts of your car anytime you want and keep the control in your hands all the time. This is the best feature of the app.
  • iTrack GPS Car Tracker also keeps track of your travel data at all times.
iTracker GPS Car Tracker Online Order

iTrack GPS Tracker Manual

Manual of any product in the market makes it easier for the buyer to understand it. We have got this manual for our readers.

Read the iTrack GPS Tracker Manual

If you are facing any kind of trouble in connecting your app with the device. Read below for complete information.

iTrack GPS Tracker App

Tracking of your vehicle is much easier with the Tracker App. No need to worry if you are an Android or Apple user. App is available for both the platforms.

iTrack GPS Car Tracker Reviews

Both customer and expert reviews of this advanced car GPS tracking device unanimously agree that iTrack is a life-changing device that efficiently keeps track of your vehicle. They say it comes in handy if you park your car out of sight or you forget where you’ve parked it, if you tend to share your car with your friends/family members or if they borrow it without you knowing about it, and of course, in cases of car theft.

Additionally, fleet owners say that iTrack is a really efficient, money-saving solution for their company cars. Their drivers are more productive and the insurance company gives them some serious discounts. It also provides parents of new drivers with peace of mind, as they can see where their children are in real time and their route history.

Conclusion of the iTrack Review

As we always think about ways to increase security and improve in different aspects of our life. Car security has always been with locks and alarms. But iTracker is an innovative way to secure our car at all times without any technical help. iTrack GPS Car Tracker gives a new way to think about the security of our car. This app always keeps you in the forefront regarding the safety of your car and gives you updates at all times. With the help of this app, you are never the last person to know if something has happened to your car. It is an easy setup and user-friendly app. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the iTrack GPS Car Tracker have inbuilt memory?

Yes, the iTrack device has an inbuilt memory which is 1MB in size and can hold up to 16,000 locations. However, you can extend this memory up to 2GB using an external microSD card.

Do I have to pay anything after this payment?

This is only one time payment, you need to pay for this gadget named iTrack GPS Tracker.

Does the iTrack app only run on iOS

No it is made for both apple and android.